creativity. openness. freedom. these are things i feel drawn to lately. today i looked at the fresh sunflowers on my kitchen table and realized something about myself. i have bought sunflowers the past four of five times i've bought flowers. partly because i like them and they look great with the colors of one chair and the painting on the wall, and partly because i was in the habit of doing so. it shouldn't come as a surprise to me that i am creature of habit. but is this who i have to be? i also believe i have a passion for trying new things and adventure and taking risks. but how often do i play it safe because i know it works? it's far too easy for me to get lost in the routine without questioning why i'm doing things or whether there's a better way. another thing i looked at today were rows and rows of beautiful flowers at the farmer's market. i was delighted by the different colors and shapes and textures, but i didn't bring any home because i have become so accustomed to the sunflowers. i think that is such a boring way to live and i want to break out of those patterns of ease and comfort and familiarity. i heard an interesting quote recently: "dangerous and fun, two things Christians don't have enough of in their lives." i don't want my life to be characterized by the lack of either one of those things. but for me, if that doesn't necessarily come easy, then it will take me being intentional about keeping things interesting. if i subject my life and decisions and thoughts to what comes naturally, the reality of that for me, is that i am a very calculated, plan-oriented, consequence-knowing person. how ironic that life, if lived to its' fullest and most like God wants for me, is none of these things. it is mysterious and exciting and dangerous,
if i don't get in the way. i need to surround myself with people and art and books that break me out of my shell. diversity that inspires me to tap into the dangerous, passionate girl (or maybe woman is more appropriate these days) that i know is inside. i love getting a glimpse of her and i want to encourage her to share herself with the world more and more. it will take true commitment for me to get away from the way that i tend to do things. to live dangerously and spontaneously, not knowing what to expect. but i believe that it is in the place, where i will actually find the most peace.
Can't wait to see what's in store for you. Passion! Danger! Spontaneity! It's going to be good :)